How To Amp Up Your Digital Marketing Toolkit

The marketing landscape is changing. And it’s changing fast. Your go-to tactics may not be as effective as they used to be, and there’s a reason – digital and virtual engagement will need to be a substantial new focus area for marketers.

In the great big world of digital marketing tools, it may be overwhelming given the sheer number of resources available. However, if you can pinpoint different digital tools that make sense for your audience, it can help achieve your goals and inspire your audience to take those coveted next steps. When your content creates a cohesive, purposeful experience for your audience across all of your digital channels, your brand gains credibility, and your messaging isn’t confusing.

See how our clients are staying top-of-mind and engaged with their audiences.

Tool #1 – E-commerce
E-commerce sales will reach 14.4% of all U.S. retail spending this year and 19.2% by 2024. In light of this dramatic increase, we helped our client Upstate Farms tap into an emerging e-commerce platform to promote select products to their customers. That platform is Instacart. 55% of Americans used online grocery services in 2020, up from just 36% in 2018 and 15% in 2015 . Utilizing this type of paid digital advertising through Instacart was a new strategy for Upstate Farms, driven by the recent change in consumer purchasing habits. As a result, Upstate Farms was able to reach their target demographic and earned 3.5x in sales from what they invested in advertising dollars.

Tool #2 – Video
Videos convey messages in compelling ways that attract and keep viewers’ attention. And as it turns out, people are watching significantly more video than ever before. Videos don’t have to live only on your YouTube channel – they can be incorporated across your brand’s entire digital presence, including social media posts and your own website.

Bison Foods is synonymous with Buffalo, and the people who are proud to call it home. When Bison needed a creative way to feature the beloved brand, FIFTEEN created animated characters to personify their dip products in a fun, lighthearted way. And that’s when “Chip” was born – a crinkle cut potato chip that embodies the proud Buffalonian attitude and engages in animated, “for-fun” shenanigans that not only add entertainment value, but also promote the products in an engaging way. In fact, many experts predict that animated videos are expected to gain momentum in 2021.

Tool #3 – Targeted Email Campaign
A targeted email campaign provides a unique opportunity to share important updates and resources to educate, inform and present content that your audience can benefit from.

SCU Health System, a division of the Southern California University of Health Sciences, asked FIFTEEN to help with targeted email campaigns with need-to-know information for their audience, including regular updates on safety measures and treatment offerings that would directly impact them. SCU Health also used this digital marketing tool as a way to promote their virtual events, such as free yoga classes on Instagram Live and wellness seminars. These short, impactful emails have a clear call-to-action and relevant information that resonates with their audience. Since 90% of content marketers say email engagement is the top metric they track to measure content performance, SCU’s email campaigns are hitting the mark – the average opens/click through rates are higher than the Healthcare industry averages.

Just like a real toolbox, you’ll want to pick the right tools, for the right job at the right time. Digital marketing tools provide countless opportunities for your brand and audience to grow in the wonderful world of digital.

Check out all of our services, including social media support, strategic marketing and PR.

We Don't Just Talk The Talk

When it comes to designing websites for our clients (and ourselves!), it’s important to align their goals with our expertise. Below are a few prime examples of how these two meshed beautifully.

SCU Health
The original website for SCU Health, Integrative Health & Medicine, part of Southern California University of Health Sciences (SCU Health), was outdated, confusing and lacked direction, with no clear way for users to quickly find the specific information they were looking for. Plus, with SCU Health relying heavily on digital campaigns, the organization wanted a way to easily incorporate aligning landing pages and clear messaging that directed them there.

After creating an intuitive site map that summarized the site’s new structure, and a visual site map and a content outline that broke down what will live on each page, FIFTEEN designed and developed a brand new website for SCU Health. It combined modern imagery with multiple information access points, including straightforward calls-to-action – leaving no mistake as to where users should go for more information or how to contact SCU. What’s more, the header image is a series of main service landing pages with patient testimonials that correspond to different digital campaigns – providing a place for visitors to access more information about a service mentioned in a specific campaign. We also created a landing page builder within the CMS (content management system) so the client can easily build landing pages for digital campaigns, something the client especially appreciated.

What do you do when your website portrays a somewhat aloof persona? We wanted to make our online presence more approachable with multiple ways to connect with us, while still showing off who we are and what we do. We also wanted to use our website as a recruiting tool for new business as well as talent.

We added an “About” page, complete with an intuitive wayfinder animation that occurs when each item is scrolled, and logos of clients we’ve worked with. A new “Team” page also helped to personalize the agency by showcasing who we like to call “a bunch of distinctive weirdos who also happen to be really good at what they do.” We integrated our social media feeds and added a homepage blog feed that visitors could quickly scan to learn more about our client work and office culture. What’s more, we incorporated our blog into the website so posts are easily accessible, and added a newsletter sign up function to help increase our subscriber base. And to make it easier for visitors to get in touch with us, we redeveloped our “Contact Us” page, breaking it down into three different options so a user can readily find the contact form – whether it’s to work with us, work for us or simply drop us a line.

Bison Recipes

With Bison Foods gaining social media recognition, the beloved maker of sour cream, cottage cheese and of course Bison Dip needed to create a shareable resource on its website to help push the Bison brand to the next level. The goal was to create a recipe page that housed dishes made using various Bison products with custom photography and a straightforward interface.

We created an interactive recipe page full of bright, original photography that allowed users to view a recipe, download or share it on various social media interfaces such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. We also added functionality so that homecooks could filter the recipe by product, mealtime, meal-type, category or collection. This way, visitors could find exactly what they were looking for just by selecting a few criteria. Last, we made sure the new page would be easy to update by integrating a database that automatically pushes new content to the website with the click of a button. The good news is that website traffic has significantly increased…the better news is that the recipes taste as good as they look.

For more information on our other work, visit the Work section of our website, which houses a collection of case studies from multiple marketing capabilities, including branding, integrated media buying, public relations and experiential marketing.

When Marketing & Psychology Merge

Advertising is both an art and a science, so it makes sense that we use both our Pantone swatch books and PSY101 notes when creating campaigns. In fact, trying to understand how the human mind works has been part of advertising for so long that a 1957 book called “The Hidden Persuaders” chronicled how some agencies back then employed psychologists to help their creative teams come up with concepts that were more likely to resonate with target audiences (the TV show “Mad Men” touched on this as well in Season 4).

a man winking at the camera

One of the psychological principles that are most commonly used in advertising is called the Rhyme as Reason Effect, and it’s the inspiration behind our latest Instagram (@agency15) #Chapter15, which is created by two members of our team whose names rhyme. They took those visual brainteasers we all did in school and created the answers based on common rhyming terms and phrases.

“Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.” “Nothin’ says lovin’ like somethin’ from the oven.” “Do you Yahoo!?” These advertising slogans, though for different products, all have one thing in common: they’re easy to remember because they rhyme, and this is what the Rhyme as Reason Effect is all about. It’s a cognitive bias (a fancy phrase to describe how our brains perceive and process stimuli) for how we tend to remember and repeat words and phrases that rhyme. It’s why we can recall these slogans decades after they first appeared, certain song lyrics get stuck in our heads, and nursery rhymes have endured for generations.

Rhyming slogans are not only easier to remember, but scientific evidence suggests audiences have better impressions of the advertised product and its attributes as well. A 2013 study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology found that when participants were presented with two sets of new advertising slogans—one rhyming and the other not—they rated the rhyming slogans as being more likable, persuasive and original. More importantly, though, they also rated the rhyming slogans as more trustworthy. That’s right, a statement was regarded as being more credible just because it rhymed. (No wonder advertising gets a bad rap.)

So while an apple a day may not necessarily keep the doctor away, take comfort in knowing that at least there’s a scientific reason why you remember that saying and how it seems perfectly reasonable…and be sure to check out our Instagram feed to try and solve our rhyming brainteasers!

an apple as an animation being eaten to the core
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